Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dell 745's, 755's and E6500 laptops

Qty 44-Dell Optiplex 745 PD 2.8-3.4 GHz desktops with 1.0/80/CD for $33-$39 each (PD 2.8's are $33, PD 3.0's are $35 and PD 3.4's are $39)
Qty 26-Dell Optiplex 755 C2D 2.3 GHz desktops with 2.0/80/DVD for $55 each
Qty 9-Dell E6500 C2D 2.26-2.5 GHz laptops with 2.0/80/DVDCDRW/15.4" display $125-$140 each (all grade A)

Henni Keely
Senior Sales Executive
Motor City Computer
1610 E.Highwood Dr.
Pontiac, MI 48340

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