Monday, June 11, 2012

Laptop Fire Sale

With 50 pieces of 20gb ide laptop hd and also 50 power supplies.  Will guarantee 50 of the batteries to hold a charge.  All 256 meg.
7 good units with combo
61 good units with dvdrom
13 parts units

qty     brand   model   cpu type        mhz     mem     hd      optical note  
7       toshiba tecra m1        centrino        1400    256     0       cdrw/dvd        posts, no hd, no caddy, no ac adapter 
61      toshiba TE2100  p4 m    1.6-1.8 256     0       dvdrom  posts, no hd, no caddy, no ac adapter 
11      toshiba TE2100  p4 m    1.6-1.8 0       0       dvdrom  for parts, has bad lcd or bad motherboard, no hd, no caddy, no memory, no ac adapter  
2       toshiba tecra m1        centrino        1400    0       0       cdrw/dvd        for parts, has bad lcd or bad motherboard, no hd, no caddy, no memory, no ac adapter   

Mike Roetzer
Wholesale Sales & Purchasing Manager
TBF Computing Inc.
1666 Roswell Road Buildings 400 & 500
Marietta, Georgia U.SA. 30062
35,000 Square Foot Facility
1-770-977-2925 Office Ext. 202

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