Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Make an offer on this Doppler Weather Surveillance System

With the weather improved, my supplier is ready to accept the best offer for this still standing radar system so that the buyer can be present when it is dismantled. Here's a terrific chance for a TV station,

Qty 1 EEC TVDR 10,000C Doppler Weather Surveillance System

Complete system with dish, hardware, and software; 1 megawatt with a 14 ft dome;  Still standing, removed from service working with only one needed repair.

See Radar Introduction
See Radar Tech Characteristics
See packing list
See repair estimate
See pictures

Minimum Purchase: Take all
ProductID 2837
@ Best Offer

Bonner G. Smith
8926 Farne Island Blvd
Knoxville TN 37923
(865) 212-4160 Office Phone

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